Lunchtime arrangements

All children at Longsands Community Primary School are invited to enjoy a school meal. Our school meals are cooked on site by a highly skilled team. The menu includes a choice of three hot meals a day - at least one being a vegetarian option. Our kitchen is able to cater for a variety of dietary requirements.


Children in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 all recieve a universal free school meal. Children in Years 3 - 6 may be eligible for Free School Meals. If you feel you may be eligible, please go to Lancashire Free School Meals for more details. For eligible families who apply, you will also be able to receive our Pupil Premium offer, details of which can be found here.


School meals can be booked in advance or before 8.30am on the day via ParentPay. There is no term by term commitment to a school meal, these can be booked as and when required.


Information about generic school dinners can be found on Lancashire Commercial Services website.  This includes the councils' downloadable menu.

If your child brings a packed lunch to school we please ask that:

  • You support us in encouraging healthy food choices
  • Children bringing a lunch box should be provided with enough food and drink.
  • Packed lunches must not include any nut or nut-based products.
  • Glass bottles, canned fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate bars are not allowed.

Spring/ Summer menu
