Our school day starts at 8.55am when registers open.
KS2 children can access their playground from 8.45 where a member of staff will be on duty each morning. Parents are requested to drop children off at the front of school where they then walk round to their playground at the rear of the building.
Reception children enter via the door directly into their department and KS1 (Year 1 & 2) pupils enter via the blue double doors on the KS1 playground. They will be met by a member of staff each morning. KS2 children enter their classrooms directly from the doors that open onto the playground where they are met by their class teacher.
Pupils in Years 1-6 have a short break mid-morning. Reception have free flow access to their outdoor area as part of their curriculum.
Reception/ KS1 12-12.30 Lunch followed by 30 minute playtime
KS2 12- 12.30 playtime followed by 30 minute lunch
School finishes at 3.20pm.
Reeception and KS1 children are released from the same doors they enter via in the morning (KS1 playground)
KS2 children exit from the front entrances of the building. Parents/ carers are politely asked to remain on the path outside school until their child's class comes out.
Pupils will only be released once a member of staff has seen that there is a known adult to collect them.
Children in Year 6 may walk home at the request of a parent/ carer. This must be put in writing to the school office.
If a child is not collected, their class teacher will bring them back into school whilst parents/ carers are contacted. It is important that contact details are updated with the school office to ensure the correct names/ phone number are held on record.
If there is a change to the usual collection arrangements for a child (e.g. collection by another family member or parent, attending or not attending after school club) we request that parents inform school before the end of the school day (in addition to Discovery Vine if it affects after-school club attendance)