The Longsands Way


We aim to provide a safe, calm and happy environment for everyone that is part of Longsands. Our Longsands Values ensure that everyone is valued, respected and treated fairly. Strong relationships are at the heart of our school. Our relational approach to promoting positive behaviour is called 'The Longsands Way' and also incorporates our Longsands Values.

At Longsands, all staff understand that behaviour is a form of communication. Through establishing strong, trusting relationships with pupils and familes, we are able to identify when behaviour might be communicating a need and to provide support promptly.

Through our PSHE, RSE and nuture curriculum, pupils develop their emotional literacy, enabling them to communicate their feelings and develop a 'toolbox' of strategies to co and self regulate. Pupils are taught to recognise and develop healthy relationships built on mutual respect and care for each other. 

Our school ethos ensures that bullying in any form is not accepted and pupils are encouraged to 'Tell, Tell, Tell' if they witness or are subject to any behaviour which may constitute bullying. We accept that bullying can, and occassionally does, happen in our school. It is vital that we are able to respond quickly and provide the right support to all parties.

Our Behaviour and Anti-Bullying policies provide a consistent appraoch to managing behaviour in a positive and supportive way so that every child has a clear understanding of The Longsands Way and how we will respond to any incidents of behaviour which do not demonstrate this.

