Extra-curricular opportunities at Longsands


At Longsands, we seek to uncover and develop pupils' skills and passions beyond the core curriculum. Our extra-curricular offer provides a range of opportunities for pupils to uncover hidden talents and develop their self-confidence and interests.

Our sports clubs are supported by Mrs Monks who has been part of our school for many years and encourages pupils to compete in intra and inter schools competitions through our involvement with PESSPA.

Our extensive school grounds and dedicated Forest School area provides pupils with an opportunity to learn about the natural world, explore the environment and build confidence and resilience through a range of outdoor activities,

Through links with local companies, we provide opportunities for pupils to develop their interests in STEM subjects and careers. 

Weekly Rocksteady sessions allow budding musicians and vocalists to work together to learn, rehearse and perform pieces for our termly Rocksteady concerts.

Our staff team run various lunchtime and after school activities to provide additional opportunties for our pupils which may change on a termly basis. To see what opportunities are available this term, see our timetable below.


Extra-curricular timetable Spring Term