If you or your child requires support or advice in relation to any of lifes difficulties whoch may be affecting your wellbeing, please come and speak to us.
Any member of our wellbeing team will be happy to listen and offer advice or signpost support.
Alternatively, see the following;
Children & Young People's Mental Health Services (CYPMH) - access to specialist provision for children and young people with a broad range of emotional health, psychological distress and mental health disorders. Access to online consultations
Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Mental Health services directory
MindEd for families- free learning resource about the mental health of children, young people and older adults
The Anna Freud Centre- services, resources, training and support for mental health and wellbeing
Counselling Directory- Find an in person or online counsellor
Tutorful- Parents' guide to childhood anxiety
Family Lives- confidential helpline service for support, advice and guidance on aspects of parenting and famiy life
Young Minds- Mental Health charity for Children and Young People
Place2Be- children's mental health charity offering one-to-one and group counselling
Hub of Hope- Directory of UK mental health support (search by postcode)
Winston's Wish- Support for children coping with bereavement
Child Breaevement UK- supporting chi;dren experiencing greave or familes with the loss of a child
Action for Children- Supporting children living in poverty
Relate- relationship support and access to counselling
MentalHealth.org- support for commumnities facing traumatic events
Papyrus- Prevention of young suicide
Preston Family Hubs- see what's on guides or contact for support and advice on a range of needs