At Longsands, we recognise the importance of pupils being able to communicate effectively through the written word.
We teach writing through transcription (spelling and handwriting) and composition (communicating ideas effectively in speech and in writing)
Our writing curriculum sits alongside our reading spine in order to expose pupils to texts which provide high quality, engaging examples of a range of genres and literary themes to inspire their own writing. Writing lessons scaffold pupils in their accquisition of writing skills including grammar, punctuation and spelling. Our teaching and learning ensures that high quality models are shared with pupils and the journey to independent writing is supported through an 'I do, we do, you do' approach to teaching and learning.
Book-based Writing Roots are based on a wide range of high quality and significant children's literature chosen to engage, challenge and support children to be critical readers and confident and informed writers. All National Curriculum requirements of grammar, spelling, vocabulary, literary language and composition are embedded leading towards a variety of purposeful and exciting shorter, longer and extended writing outcomes where the audience and purpose is clear. Our Text map identifies the main writing outcome for each unit (in blue) which is supported by shorter writing outcomes such as captions, diary entries, letters and instructions.
Opportuntities for writing are built into planning across other subjects, enabling pupils to apply their knowledge and skills in a range of contexts.