Science at Longsands


At Longsands, we aim to ignite children’s natural curiosity and fascination with the world around them through a dynamic and hands-on approach to science. We strive to develop confidence, inquisitive scientists who actively engage in scientific enquiry, asking thoughtful questions and exploring ideas with enthusiasm and resilience. By fostering key skills such as observation, investigation and critical thinking, we aim to empower children to approach challenges with confidence, ensuring they understand how science shapes our everyday lives and the wider world.

Our spiral curriculum, delivered through 'Developing Experts', builds pupils' knowledge, skills and confidence as scientists. We take an enquiry based approach to teaching, every lesson starting an enquiry question and 'rocket questions' throughout to encourage deeper thinking. Our Science curriculum emphasises the clear progression of scientific skills such as observations in EYFS and predicting, hypothesising, investigating and evaluating by Year 6. Each half term, a scientific skill is focused on throughout the whole school and classroom displays reflect this.

Curiosity and opportuntities to explore science are promoted through our wider curriculum, from British Science week, partnerships with local companies and high schools, visits to UCLan, STEM themed Wonder Days and Eco Club.



Science Curriculum Map

Developing Experts Progression of Skills

Developing Experts Progression of Knowledge