Together Everyone Achieves More
Mrs McKeown's Update Thursday 14th January14 January 2021 (by Martin Coyne (m.coyne)) |
As stated in the schools risk assessment sent through to you all yesterday, if there is a positive case of Covid within a year group bubble it will have to close and be sent home for the isolation period as before Lockdown. Even if you are a key worker your child will have to remain at home .This is why it is so important for you to keep your children at home wherever possible . We completely understand how hard it is to home school , to juggle jobs and family life but this Lockdown has been set for a reason .We also understand school is the best place for children and for their mental health but we also need to prioritise the risk to our families and the community including school staff . A number of local schools have already shut bubbles this term due to staff contracting the virus from children in their classes. I know this message is not the most positive but the virus is out of control and we need to do our bit to slow it down by doing what we can to keep our families safe and if it means having to home school whilst there is a toddler in the house then we need to do it .