Longsands Community Primary School

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  3. Mrs McKeown's Message to Children at home Wednesday 3rd June

Mrs McKeown's Message to Children at home Wednesday 3rd June

3 June 2020 (by Martin Coyne (m.coyne))

Hello again children 

I hope you had a good half term holiday and are ready for the next few weeks of some more school activities. I know a number of you are starting to feel fed up of being away from school and friends but at the moment it is the best option for you and your families. Make the best of these times at home because when we start to get back to normal you may not get the chance for a long time to have so much of your parents time. Your teachers really enjoy looking at your work you are sending through to them and this is an important way of keeping in touch. However, I know your teachers are worried about those of you who they have not heard from for a while. Please contact your teachers and just say hello if nothing else. If we continue to be worried about not hearing from you I will send you a quick text to see how you and your family are getting on. Your teachers know what it is like to be at home with children of their own during this time and how difficult it can be to keep children motivated for learning but you can do it . Keep going!! Teachers are parents as well so they understand how hard it is to juggle work and home learning. 
Very soon your teacher will be contacting you letting you know who your teacher will be in September. After this before the summer break your new teacher will be in touch with you . 
Keep in touch and keep trying your best at home. 
Mrs McKeown

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